697 research outputs found

    Non score-dependency: Theory and assessment

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    Untrained listeners demonstrate implicit knowledge of syntactic patterns and principles. Untrained generative music ability, for example singing, humming, and whistling, is a largely unconscious or intuitive application of these patterns and principles. From the viewpoint of embodied cognition, listening to music should evoke an internal representation or motor image which, together with the perception of organized music, should form the basis of musical cognition. Indeed, that is what listeners demonstrate when they sing, hum, or whistle familiar and unfamiliar tunes or when they vocally or orally improvise continuations to interrupted phrases. Research on vocal improvisation using continuations sung to an interrupted musical phrase, has shown that one’s cultural background influences the music generated. That should be the case for instrumentalists as well: when they play familiar or unfamiliar tunes by ear in different keys (transposition) or when they improvise variations, accompaniments, or continuations to interrupted phrases, the music they generate should reflect the same cognitive structures as their oral improvisations. This study is attempting to validate a test of (non) scoredependency that will enable assessment of the music student’s implicit knowledge of these structures during performance on the principal instrument

    ‘Giant’ magnetoresistance in obliquely co-evaporated Co-Ag films

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    Magnetoresistance (MR) measurements at room temperature have been performed on obliquely (co-) evaporated Ag-Co films deposited at room- and elevated-temperatures. The ‘giant’ magnetoresistance ratio (max. 13% for a composition of about Co35Ag65) over a wide range of compositions has been measured. The films are polycrystalline and grown in a columnar morphology. The columnar diameter depends on the thickness and is < 20 nm at 400 nm thickness. From XRD, NMR and saturation magnetization (Ms) vs. at% Ag, one can conclude that the films consist of Co-Co and Ag-Ag clusters. The coercivity depends on the thickness of the films (100–700 nm) and varies from 5 to 15 kA/m

    In search of an appropriate abstraction level for motif annotations

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    In: Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, (pp. 22-28).

    Genetic Tool Development for a New Host for Biotechnology, the Thermotolerant Bacterium Bacillus coagulans

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    Bacillus coagulans has good potential as an industrial production organism for platform chemicals from renewable resources but has limited genetic tools available. Here, we present a targeted gene disruption system using the Cre-lox system, development of a LacZ reporter assay for monitoring gene transcription, and heterologous D-lactate dehydrogenase expression

    Can the evolution of music be analyzed in a quantitative manner?

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    We propose a methodology to study music development by applying multivariate statistics on composers characteristics. Seven representative composers were considered in terms of eight main musical features. Grades were assigned to each characteristic and their correlations were analyzed. A bootstrap method was applied to simulate hundreds of artificial composers influenced by the seven representatives chosen. Afterwards we quantify non-numeric relations like dialectics, opposition and innovation. Composers differences on style and technique were represented as geometrical distances in the feature space, making it possible to quantify, for example, how much Bach and Stockhausen differ from other composers or how much Beethoven influenced Brahms. In addition, we compared the results with a prior investigation on philosophy. Opposition, strong on philosophy, was not remarkable on music. Supporting an observation already considered by music theorists, strong influences were identified between composers by the quantification of dialectics, implying inheritance and suggesting a stronger master-disciple evolution when compared to the philosophy analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, added references for sections 1 and 4.C, better mathematical description on section 2. New values and interpretation, now considering a bootstrap metho

    Attachment – public and scientific discourse

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    In her rather scathing review of ‘The predictive power of attachment’ (January 2017) Elizabeth Meins takes aim at misguided opinions about attachment that circulate in the policy arena. Certainly, policy makers, in an attempt to secure public money that children, families, and schools badly need, tend to exaggerate claims about the critical importance of early experience. The public discourse however should be sharply differentiated from the scientific discourse. Here we focus on Meins’s critique of attachment research. We list some of her comments about the evidence and show that they are largely mistaken

    Endurance-Type Exercise Increases Bulk and Individual Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis Rates in Rats.

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    Physical activity increases muscle protein synthesis rates. However, the impact of exercise on the coordinated up- and/or downregulation of individual protein synthesis rates in skeletal muscle tissue remains unclear. The authors assessed the impact of exercise on mixed muscle, myofibrillar, and mitochondrial protein synthesis rates as well as individual protein synthesis rates in vivo in rats. Adult Lewis rats either remained sedentary (n = 3) or had access to a running wheel (n = 3) for the last 2 weeks of a 3-week experimental period. Deuterated water was injected and subsequently administered in drinking water over the experimental period. Blood and soleus muscle were collected and used to assess bulk mixed muscle, myofibrillar, and mitochondrial protein synthesis rates using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and individual muscle protein synthesis rates using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (i.e., dynamic proteomic profiling). Wheel running resulted in greater myofibrillar (3.94 ± 0.26 vs. 3.03 ± 0.15%/day; p < .01) and mitochondrial (4.64 ± 0.24 vs. 3.97 ± 0.26%/day; p < .05), but not mixed muscle (2.64 ± 0.96 vs. 2.38 ± 0.62%/day; p = .71) protein synthesis rates, when compared with the sedentary condition. Exercise impacted the synthesis rates of 80 proteins, with the difference from the sedentary condition ranging between -64% and +420%. Significantly greater synthesis rates were detected for F1-ATP synthase, ATP synthase subunit alpha, hemoglobin, myosin light chain-6, and synaptopodin-2 (p < .05). The skeletal muscle protein adaptive response to endurance-type exercise involves upregulation of mitochondrial protein synthesis rates, but it is highly coordinated as reflected by the up- and downregulation of various individual proteins across different bulk subcellular protein fractions

    Living Kidney Donation: Psychological and Ethical Aspects

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    DOELSTELLING Nierdonatie bij leven levert medisch en maatschappelijk gezien veel voordelen op, maar toch willen of kunnen niet alle nierpatiënten op de wachtlijst en/of hun naasten zich opgeven voor het nierdonatie bij leven programma. De doelstelling van het project ‘Nierdonatie bij leven: psychologische en ethische aspecten’ is het verkrijgen van meer inzicht in de kennis en acceptatie van nierdonatie bij leven. Het gaat hierbij om kennis en acceptatie onder proefpersonen die daadwerkelijk in aanmerking komen voor nierdonatie/ transplantatie bij leven, dat wil zeggen (1) patiënten met eindfase nierfalen op de wachtlijst voor een niertransplantatie en (2) de mensen uit hun omgeving; de potentiële donoren. Het benaderen van deze groepen is de strategie om uit te vinden of, en onder welke voorwaarden, uitbreiding van het nierdonatie bij leven programma praktisch haalbaar en ethisch verdedigbaar is. VRAAGSTELLINGEN Het project omvat twee vraagstellingen. De eerste vraagstelling is: wat zijn de psychologische barrières voor nierdonatie bij leven voor patiënten op de wachtlijst, en de mensen uit hun omgeving? De tweede vraagstelling luidt: wat zijn de morele argumenten om de patiënt en de mensen uit de omgeving van de patiënt (de potentiële donoren) al dan niet actief te benaderen over nierdonatie bij leven? In andere woorden; in hoeverre zijn interventies ethisch verdedigbaar? OPZET PATIËNTEN EN (POTENTIËLE) DONOREN Wij hebben allereerst de groep patiënten die op de wachtlijst voor niertransplantatie staat benaderd (regio Erasmus MC). Aan de patiënt vragen wij toestemming om ook de potentiële donoren uit zijn of haar omgeving te benaderen. Indien beiden hiermee instemmen, vindt het interview met deze potentiële donor plaats. Voor deze studie hebben we tevens een controlegroep benaderd. In de controlegroep zitten patiënten en donoren die nog geen familietransplantatie hebben ondergaan, maar die wel al hebben besloten door te gaan met de donatie bij leven procedure en dit met hun artsen hebben overlegd. INTERVIEW Alle deelnemers aan ons onderzoek zijn geïnterviewd middels een semi-gestructureerd interview. Voorafgaand onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat een aantal factoren een rol kan spelen bij het niet kunnen of willen ondergaan van nierdonatie bij leven. Deze factoren komen terug in de interviews: · Demografische en medische variabelen · Kennis en informatie · Standpunten en argumenten ten aanzien van nierdonatie bij leven, · Communicatie met de arts en de omgeving · Risicoperceptie · Verwachtingen ten aanzien van de gevolgen voor de persoonlijke relatie tussen donor en ontvanger. ETHISCHE ANALYSE De resultaten van de empirische gedeelte van deze studie dienen als basis voor de ethische analyse. Argumenten zoals gevonden in het empirische gedeelte van de studie worden getoetst op houdbaarheid met behulp van ethische theorieën over de structuur van argumenten.,Wij hebben met name gebruik gemaakt van de theorien zoals die geformuleerd zijn door Toulmin, Rawls en Nagel. BEREIKTE RESULTATEN/NIEUWE INZICHTEN De bereidheid om een nier van iemand in de naaste omgeving te accepteren is zeer hoog voor de patiënten in de onderzoeksgroep: slecht 19% is negatief over donatie bij leven. Het is dus niet zo dat de patiënt in het algemeen niet zou willen. Voor een aantal variabelen vonden we verschillen tussen de onderzoeksgroep en de controlegroep. Een opvallende uitkomst is dat in vrijwel àlle gevallen in de controle groep de communicatie over de donatie gestart wordt vanuit de donor: het al dan niet aangeboden krijgen van een nier lijkt bepalend voor het doorgaan van de (levende donor) transplantatie. Patiënten vinden het erg moeilijk om uit zichzelf over het onderwerp te beginnen. Ethische analyse laat zien dat de argumenten en bezwaren tegen nierdonatie bij leven zoals gevonden in de onderzoeksgroep weerlegbaar zijn. Dit gegeven draagt bij aan de rechtvaardiging van interventies in de situatie van paPURPOSE Living kidney donation offers many advantages, both from a medical and societal point of view. However, there is a group of patients that cannot or will not make use of the living kidney donation program. The purpose of the study ‘Living Kidney donation: psychological and ethical aspects’ is to gain insight into the knowledge and acceptance of this form of kidney transplantation. The group we investigate is the group that actually is eligible for living kidney donation / transplantation, namely (1) patients with end stage renal disease on the transplantation waiting list and (2) the persons in their close environment, the potential donors. Investigating these groups is the strategy to find out if, and under what circumstances, expansion of the living kidney donation program is feasible and ethically acceptable. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The project comprises two research questions. The first research question is: what are the psychological barriers for living kidney donation for the patients and the people in their close environment? The second research question is: what are the moral arguments to deal or actively or passively with the persons in the close environment of the patients who are the potential donors? In other words, to what extent are interventions morally acceptable? DESIGN PATIENTS We have approached the group of patients on the waiting list for a kidney transplant (region of the Erasmus University Medical Center). We asked the patients for permission to approach individuals in their personal environment, the potential donors. If both (patient and relative of patient) agreed on this, we interviewed these potential donors as well. We also included a control group in our study. This group consists of patients and their actual donors who have planned to undergo living kidney donation/transplantation in the near future and had already made arrangements together with their clinicians. INTERVIEW All participants in our study were interviewed by means of a semi-structured interview. Former research has shown various variables that influence willingness to undergo living kidney donation / transplantation. These variables are included in the interview: · Sociodemographic and medical variables · Knowledge and information · Acceptance of, and argument about of living kidney donation · Communication with the specialist and the personal environment · Risk perception · Expectations regarding the personal relationship between patient and donor. ETHICAL ANALYSIS Ethical analysis is based on the results of the empirical part of the study. Reasoning as found in the empirical part of the study is tested for ethical justification, using ethical theory on the structure of argumentation especially the theories as formulated by Toulmin, Rawls and Nagel. BEREIKTE RESULTATEN/NIEUWE INZICHTEN The willingness to accept the offer of a living kidney donor is very high for patients in the group of interest: only 19% has a negative attitude towards ling donation. Thus, it is not a matter of unwillingness of the patients to accept a living kidney donor. We found a number of differences between the group of interest and the control group. A notable finding is that the communication about kidney donation in the control group is almost always initiated by the donor : being offered a kidney (or not) seems to be decisive for either or not pursuing living kidney donation. Patients find it very difficult to bring up the topic them selves. Ethical analysis shows that the arguments or objections against living kidney donation as raised by the group of interest can be refuted. This adds to the moral acceptability of interventions in the situation of patients on the waiting list for transplantation who do not enter the living kidney donation program initially
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